Industry News

Amazing Decorations With a Simple Scarf

Mar. 09,2022

With a scarf, you could decorate yourself well. But we easily underestimate the functions of scarves. So how about knowing some amazing uses of a scarf?

1. Be A Top

You may see some surprises when you use your scarf in other styles. Endless creative ways to transform a longer length scarf into a halter top, crop top, and tube top. Diipa Khosla going for a Bohemian vibe has tied up her bandanna scarf in a classic way, keeping the print upfront. This is a simpler look, and Diipa has chosen to style it with a pair of high-waist pants, tan sandals and a subtle shell necklace. It is so cool! You can try immediately!

2.Be a A Hair Accessory

I strongly advise you to tie the scarf as a hair acessory. If you don’t, have a try. As a fact, a band around your forehead, head wrap, or headband are a few to name. Using your scarf as a hair accessory protects you from the heat in the summer, and doubles up to save you from a bad hair. What you only need to do is to pick a small to a medium-sized scarf, roll it like a cylinder, wrap it around your head, and tie the knot where you feel best suitable.

3.A Wrap Around Skirt

Have you ever tried to drape the scaves into a skirt? You may think it amazing. But it don’t. This would require more tools such as a safety pin or fancy brooch to secure it in place. If your scarf is sheer, wearing shorts below might be a good point.

4.A Neck-Tie

A Neck-Tie or otherwise known as neckerchief is achieved from tying a small printed square scarf around your neck. It could help add a striking accent to your outfit. Using scarf as a neck-tie could instantly add some edge to her basic tank top and denim outfit. It is also a casual, fashionable look to rock in the summer!

5. As A Face Mask

We must wear a mask in the conditions that Covid-19 pneumonia is prevalent. Due to the high demand, you may not have the ability to buy masks in some conditions. I give you a good point. Convert your scarf into a temporary face mask. Our scarves are made from natural, tightly woven and breathable material which is easy to wash. Also, it could help add colour and spice up your outfit.

The above are some simple outfits made with a simple scarf. If you need to know more knowledge, follow us. If you need to buy high quality fashion scarves, welcome to contact us.