Jan. 25,2022

To lower the risk of mass gathering during period of the endless pandemic , another annual year-end summary meeting and art performances happened last weekend in our showroom .

In the first part of the annual meeting , General manager Terry reported the great progress that Freestyle Accessories Company achieved in 2021  , we  gained  another 10%  business growth and  all the departments  moved a big step even it was tough around all the world . We are proud of the success while we are crisis-conscious about the future .  Henry Alfred Kissinger said that the world will never be the same after the Coronavirus . Yes ,it would be definitely totally different and we may never go back again. Terry put forward the significant questions of “what have we done and what can we do?”, and  he also came up with the great answer with  5 “R” (Resolve , Resilience,  Return, Reimagination and Reform ) as target of new year to be achieved by all the employee .

The well-performanced individual and team have been awarded , they shared valued experiences and encourage all of us to meet the challenge bravely and to be the best of ourselves in the new year . 

After the meaningful summary meeting , our versatile employee brought us with art program and entertainment , it was a scene of happiness and fun and everybody dived  in the ocean of songs and dances . It was really a lively party !